Let's introduce you to MARTEN
and our Software Suite

MGHLP Marten logoMGHLP Marten logo

The MARTEN Suite does it ALL

The third generation of our Modeling And item geneRaTion ENgine (MARTEN) suite of tools, provides for on-demand item generation.  Each item is validated and reviewed at the model level, providing confidence in the consistency and accuracy of each and every item produced.  The MARTEN suite also provides integrated item tracking, content coding, and answer choice rationales; providing our customers an unprecedented level of control over, and confidence in the validity of, their items.

Model Manager

Manager is our project management software for organizing item models. It is a cloud-based system that facilitates the complex workflow required for creating item models and managing an entire item generation project.

Model Composer

Composer is a software tool for authoring item models and previewing generated items. It is a cloud-based authoring system that specifies the integrated workflow required by subject-matter experts to create item models, to request item generation, to track progress, and to preview generated items. It is presented as a user-friendly graphical interface so subject-matter experts can create item models and generate items without requiring extensive programming skills.

MGHLP Composer


MARTEN (Modeling And item geneRaTion ENgine) is our new distributed item generation engine that allows users to create items at whatever scale is needed using model-based input that is both flexible and customizable.

MGHLP Marten

Model Harvester

Harvester is our brand-new banking software for managing your item models. Once item models are ready for production, the task of searching for and tracking item model use can now be managed on-demand. The user can intuitively search for models in their bank, place an order for items, and receive a package of generated items that is easily integrated into any existing banking and testing system.

MGHLP Harvester

Everybody asks about the item generation process—here it is

Step 1

The content used for item generation is identified by subject-matter experts

Step 2

An item model, which is like a template, is created to specify where the content is placed in the generated item

Step 3

Computer algorithms place the content from step 1 into the item models in step 2